The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys was a story I never expected to hear, but after a much less emotionally destructive time than that spent on The Black Parade, My Chemical Romance have transformed. Reborn like a powerpunk butterfly from an overemotional though genius caterpillar, this album just makes me want to get out of bed in the mornings, put on some colourful leather and shoot some creepy villains with my raygun.
The jacket worn by Ray Toro, or rather his Killjoy alter ego Jet Star, is a beautiful piece of clothing, and a replica ca
n be bought from the MCR website, limited addition for $99 - hopefully by the time I save that much they'll still be in stock! and yes, I know, it's a guy's jacket.. maybe I'll share it with my boyfriend.. but LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS!!!
Until such a wonder of the world finds its way onto my b
ack I will have to make do with my now relatively boring (though still awesome) leather jacket from TK MAX and a bandana that I bought with the Danger Days album. Though bright yellow, this bandana has grown on me, though i have no idea which Fabulous character the colour scheme corresponds to. Still, it goes brilliantly with my new top from Republic, with slashes all down the back and stars and stripes on the front.